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Murja Kunya Case Crisis: Kano Government Denies Interference in the Case

 Murja Kunya Case Crisis: Kano Government Denies Interference in the Case In a statement issued by the Kano state government through the sta...

Murja Kunya Case Crisis: Kano Government Denies Interference in the Case

 Murja Kunya Case Crisis: Kano Government Denies Interference in the Case

In a statement issued by the Kano state government through the state media commissioner, Baba Halilu Dantiye, it denied the allegations being spread in various media regarding the release of Murja Ibrahim Kunya - the popular TikTok girl from the correctional facility.

According to the statement, the Kano State government has no knowledge of any attempt to sign or deny it to join the Shari'ar or any similar attempt.

The statement said, the government of Abba Kabir Yusuf is doing its best to allow each part of the government to carry out their duties without interfering in it.

After hearing the news of Murjar's release from the Correctional Facility, many stories have spread on social media, where some accuse the Kano Government, the Correctional Facility and the State Judiciary Authorities of interfering in her removal from the Correctional Facility, but they all deny the allegations.

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